Passion Projects

Key Workers 

Throughout the pandemic like everyone I wanted to help in anyway I could. I wanted to show my appreciation for 'Key workers'. 

Within the mainstream media the buzz word 'Key Worker was strongly associated with NHS. I felt there was a lack of representation of all the other front line workers. 

I then created an illustration  to represent as many  public service jobs as possible. Be it from cleaners , delivery drivers , shelf stackers to teachers as well as  nurses and health care workers. 

Through this illustration I also saw an opportunity to raise money through creating a T-shirt with the design. The money raised from the T-shirts enabled a bigger representation for more 'key workers' and in turn I was able to donate all the profits to charity to people who were heavily affected by the pandemic living in refugee camps.


 From posting on social media the Illustration had a great response which encouraged me to develop the use of the design to something useful.

With many charities all needed more help than ever during the pandemic It was undeniable that all the profits made from the T-shirts should be donated. 

The chosen charity was Oxfam's covid-19 relief fund.  

An important charity already helping those most vulnerable in refugee camps trying to educate and provide resources in areas already so scarce.

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